Our VW up! GTI is equipped with a data logger system. During the sessions, this logs all the functions of the racing car – such as speed, revs, gears, turbo boost pressure, brake pressure, GPS position and all temperatures. The videos from the on-board camera are also synchronised with the data and saved. Recording this data helps to analyse and therefore optimise the vehicle and lap times. The driver and the team engineer can use it to compare individual laps and even compare them with other drivers.

After the race, it is important to extract these complete data sets from the car as quickly as possible. The cars are even parked in the parc fermé after a race and must not be touched. This is where the high-performance WLAN connection comes into play. The enormous amounts of data have to be downloaded reliably and quickly from the car. To do this, the WLAN-equipped racing car connects to our network and transmits the data to our analysis server. This can then be used for further analyses and check-ups, so that changes to the setup or technical checks of individual functions can be carried out during the downtime. As you can see: WLAN performance on and off the racetrack – and with outstanding speed.